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Based on her experience among British Traditional Wiccans in the UK, Pearson stated that the length of time between becoming a first degree initiate and a second was typically two to five years. Some practitioners nevertheless chose to remain as first degree initiates rather than proceed to the higher degrees. A large number of Wiccans do not exclusively follow any single tradition or even are initiated. These eclectic Wiccans each create their own syncretic spiritual paths by adopting and reinventing the beliefs and rituals of a variety of religious traditions connected to Wicca and broader Paganism. While the origins of modern Wiccan practice lie in covenantal activity of select few initiates in established lineages, eclectic Wiccans are more often than not solitary practitioners uninitiated in any tradition. A widening public appetite, especially in the United States, made traditional initiation unable to satisfy demand for involvement in Wicca.

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However, if you are able to speak with the parent and can agree on a plan, that would be preferred. This may suggest that the child be physically removed by one of your leaders taking the weight of what to do off your hands. If the parents/caregivers do not seem to be cooperative, and the child refuses to behave, and/or the parents do not want you to physically constrain or remove the child, communicate to the parent that for the protection of the other children, that if his/her child's behaviour continues they will be asked to come and remove the child from the classroom and cannot return until classroom guidelines are followed. This is the last resort, as we want to make sure we do all we can to serve children and their parents. 11c Q: We have a child who has been diagnosed with Autism who is prone to outbursts. There have been times during our programs that they have become physically and verbally abusive to other vulnerable persons. The parent or caregiver has informed us that the individual may need to be restrained when they are like this, but we have been resisting this. What are the standard protocols that we should follow?A: Your decision to avoid restraint is very wise. Doing proper restraint requires that your staff and/or volunteers complete a non violent crisis intervention training. In addition, bodily contact with the vulnerable person may increases the risk of abuse. A general protocol in case of violent behaviour should aim to protect the individual, other vulnerable persons in the classroom, and staff members from being hurt:However, the best protocol is always a preventive one.
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One boy typically goes to the library to get online, but the citys libraries are now closed, too. She expects to interact with several students mostly through phone calls. School funding is typically tied to student enrollment or attendance counts across the country, but Ohio has unlinked funding from those counts, a policy that education experts expect most states to adopt in the coming weeks. In rural Minford, a town of about 700 in southern Ohio near the border with Kentucky, the district is distributing laptops as well as work packets on paper to students without internet or technology access, estimated at 25 to 30 percent of the student body by the districts superintendent. Regardless of whether Minfords students can participate in online classes or turn in work, administrators expect to promote a majority of them to the next grade, said Marin Applegate, the districts school psychologist. We do not feel they are in control and cannot be held accountable, she said. Some school systems, like the District of Columbia Public Schools, have stopped taking formal attendance altogether. The nations largest school district, New York City, which is at the center of the coronavirus crisis, has not yet released data on the number of children participating in online learning. The district said it would officially begin tracking remote attendance on Monday. In Los Angeles, the nations second largest school district, about 13 percent of high school students have had no online contact with teachers since schools closed three weeks ago, and one third are not regularly participating in online learning, according to the superintendent, Austin Beutner. Heber Marquez, a high school English teacher at the Maywood Center for Enriched Studies in Los Angeles County, estimated that just 45 percent of his students were showing up to Zoom classroom meetings.