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Investors in gold related exchange traded funds, especially leveraged ones, have enjoyed even more explosive returns: VelocityShares 3x Long Gold ETN UGLD, for example, is up 93% in 2016, and a gold miners leveraged ETF, Direxion Daily Jr Gld Mnrs Bull 3x EFT JNUG, has climbed a whopping 839% this year. But can the run in gold and gold related stocks and ETFs continue much longer?Experts say hang tight because the ride isnt over yet. I think were still in the early innings, said Axel Merk, president and chief investment officer at Merk Investments. I wouldnt be surprised to see $1,400 for the price of gold by the end of the year or even by October. Industry experts see no catalyst on the horizon that will derail gold anytime soon and most expect the rally to continue for at least the next few quarters. At least one fund manager believes gold will even surpass its 2011 all time high of $1,921, although it could take several years, and a few setbacks and selloffs along the way, to get there. I think were going to break that high, said Doug Groh, a portfolio manager at Tocqueville Asset Management and Tocqueville Gold Fund. Generally, gold is considered a safe haven for investors seeking refuge during stock market selloffs, global economic turmoil, and a low interest rate environment. So, its no surprise that 2016 has been a perfect storm for gold: The selloff in the equity markets in late 2015 and early 2016, the global uncertainty following the Brexit vote, and decisions by the European Central Bank and national central banks in Japan, Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland to bring in negative interest rates all caused an investor rush toward gold. Gold, basically, is a hedge against uncertainty, said Nicholas Colas, chief market strategist at Convergex, a global brokerage and trading related service provider. The election is a huge unknown and the markets interpretation of that could be significant, said Groh.
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S. according to a 2014 study. Thats odd to me, considering womens early involvement in modern computing. In 1944, Grace Hopper, a U. S. Navy Rear Admiral, was one of the programmers of the Harvard Mark I computer, and she went on to invent the first compiler for a programming language. Just two years later, in 1946, six brilliant women programmed the ENIAC computer working only from logical diagrams. By the time they were finished, ENIAC could run a differential calculus equation in seconds. And thats another reason that a forum like C Corner is so important: It doesnt discriminate. It offers a voice and a platform to anyone, regardless of background or gender. The only requirement is a willingness to learn and to teach.
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