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71 Vol blank and then lists the nine Rules Concerning Library. Flood, Theodore L. , D. D. , Editor, The Chautauquan November 1887 vol. VIII No.

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The biggest perversion that we have is our bloated government who has to stick their hands into every aspect of our lives as if we were not capable of making our own decisions. As if they were doing any better job at running things than the individual producer would be able to do. The fact that money makes the world go round and the rules of money have been skewed to favor those with it and punish those without it means that we have a lot of work to do but Im not sure we should throw the baby out with the bath water. I am trying to show that there is another way and hopefully sparking some other interesting thoughts on how the world could work better along the way. I can go point/ counterpoint all night. I think we are at a point that we partly agree and partly disagree on most of the points of discussion. Yes, people do not have to get ahead at the expense of others, duh, I own a bizness and I am getting ahead at no ones expense, except maybe my wife, who wants me home more. It boils down to identifying those who get ahead at others expense, and those that dontand we including you and I and society need to stop glorifying those who do. simple. Celebrate the good guys, expose the bad guys. The last 2 things I want to mention are that using the we need the assholes who make the hard decisions argument is old and not based in fact.
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When I did my verbal affirmations, the chatter in my head was actually "talking" over my verbal affirmations. I was inches away from a mirror, looking directly in my own eyes, saying my affirmations and the voice in my head said: "How could a gift to the world be so ugly?""I completed my first "Mindshift" after having battled the cacophony of voices and Master Trickster that seem to come along with changing thought patterns. I devoted a portion of each day to the practice, although not the same time each day: to the imaging, writing, and speaking of my declarations and affirmations. I recorded each "Gift" that I received and was sure to be grateful for each one, every day. By the end of the month my declarations were manifesting although not in an "overwhelming" manner. Still. at the end. I was so very grateful. I decided to commence another "shift" . I would create a circle, image my declarations, state them. but on a lesser scale than a full practice.
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Arnold is a pathological liar but his heart is in the right place. He is a total screw up but not for lack of trying, he always wants to do the right thing. Must be fantastic comedic actor who sings well. Tenor. We are also particularly interested in comics who sing. KEVIN PRICE Early 20s Late 20s to play 18: Caucasian. All American. Very handsome. Head of the class, always optimistic. Heroic Mormon. Must be a great comedic actor and a fantastic pop rock high tenor to a B.
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