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But the discovery which caused the most bewilderment was the unearthing of something which was identified as the enigmatic mfkzt to which the 'bread' symbolism appeared to be related. Laying some inches deep beneath heavy flagstones in a storeroom was a considerable supply of the finest pure white,unadulterated powder. At the time,some suggested that the powder could be a remnant of copper smelting but,as was quickly pointed out,smelting does not produce white powder;it leaves a dense black slag. Moreover,there is no supply of copper ore within miles of the temple and the old smelting works are, in any event, apparent in the distant valleys. Others guessed that the powder was ash from the burning of plants to produce alkali, but there was no trace whatever of any plant residue. For want of any other explanation,it was determined that the white powder and the conical stones were probably associated with some form of sacrificial rite,but again it was pointed out that this was an Egyptian temple and animal sacrifice was not an Egyptian practice. Moreover, despite sieving and winnowing,there were no remnants whatever of bones or any other foreign matter to be found within the mfkzt,which appeared for all the world like a hoard of sacred talcum powder. Some of the mysterious powder was taken back to Britain for analysis and examination,but no results were ever published. The rest was left open to the elements after 3000 years to become a victim of the desert winds. What has become apparent, however,is that this powder was seemingly identical to the ancient Mesopotamian fire stone or shem an na the substance that was made into bread cakes and used to feed the Light bodies of the Babylonian kings and the pharaohs of Egypt. This, of course,explains the temple inscriptions denoting the importance of bread and light,while the white powderthe shem an na has been identified with the sacred manna that Aaron placed in the Ark of the Covenant.

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If you are having trouble reading a document, request an accessible copy of the PDF or Word Document. Use double quotes e. g. "under 10" searches for the exact match "under 10" as opposed to content containing "under" and "10"New Zealand Rugby offers a range of coaching courses throughout the country. The courses are facilitated by Provincial Union Coach Educators and Rugby Development Officers RDOs and are designed to meet the need of coaches at each level. Is compulsory for all coaches of U14 grade and above and must be attended each year. As well as refreshing the key safety messages each year, this course also provides coaches with some valuable coaching material presented by some of the countrys most respected and experienced coaches. All coaches of Under 18 to Under 14 grades must attend a compulsory coaching teenage module in addition to the annual RugbySmart course. The modules will be run in conjunction with the RugbySmart course, following a set prescription developed by New Zealand Rugby and be delivered by Provincial Union Coach Educators and Rugby Development Officers. Is compulsory for all coaches of U6 grade and above to U13 grade. A series of introductory modules that emphasise creating an environment of skill development and fun.
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In fact, I have not yet met one informed evolutionist who had disagreed with me concerning the relationship of evolution to these particular moral issues. They might not necessarily agree that this should have happened, but they do agree that this is the way in which people have applied evolution. It is important that you do not misunderstand what I am saying at this point. Certainly, evil, anti God philosophies existed before Darwinian evolution. People aborted babies before Darwin popularized his view of evolution. However, what people believe about where they came from does affect their worldview.