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The American system of government is designed not to work and remains in a state of hopeless and continual structural gridlock in a kind of 'rock, paper, scissors' style of governance that is amicable to a child's game but not to modern governance. How can both of these statements be simultaneously true?The answer lies in the notion of the separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers in the designed system of governance by the Founding Fathers of the American nation. The Father's system was designed to create, through division, a balance of powers between the branches of government most and least responsive to the popular will. "The system of In addition, both governments and churches began to grow suspicious of the group, probably because of the "organization's secrecy and liberal religious beliefs" Watson, 2009. As a result, Portugal and France banned Freemasonry; in fact, it was a capital offense to be a Freemason in Portugal Watson, 2009. Moreover, "Pope Clement XII forbade Catholics from becoming Freemasons on penalty of excommunication" Watson, 2009. Feeling pressure in Europe, many Freemasons decided to flee the Old World and travel to the European colonies scattered throughout the world, most notably, America. Influence on AmericaAnyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of the Freemasons and American history understands that, whatever resistance the Freemasons met with in Europe was not to be found in America. The Freemasons set up lodges in Boston and Philadelphia, and some of the founding fathers, including Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. More importantly, the Freemasons are reported to have played In fact, the American evolution may have served to assert the natural rights of some people, but those people were limited to a class of white males. It is important to keep in mind that one of the ideological underpinnings of the evolution was a challenge to imperialist ideals, and race based oppression and slavery had long been major parts of the imperial system.
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And journalists should not be like lawyers, organized before the bar into a self perpetuating and self serving organization. That written, Frank Bruni is the great mysterious counterexample what credentials?what qualifications?why?. Yet the lack of an organization with teeth keeps reporters on the defensive against the accommodationist editors, the advertisers, and the board of directors larded with the usual knuckleheads. Would that the Newspaper Guild had more power. Further, the credentials in the U S of A are now distinctly murky. Your quote:If economists ask themselves What good is a degree? the answer is to signal a requirement for a higher salary! The development of the M. B. A. and M. F. A.
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