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Hare this video with anyone who cares about the progress of technologyYluVEThere is a video from models too large to post here now that has a whole reel of laser imaging footage from which brief clips may be isolated to be to be someday interjected into appropriate segments of future work chronicling the evolution of the Linear Arc Tracking Suspension LATS Concept for a vehicle which may more equally distribute the coefficient of inertial friction exerted onto the pavement between four tires, the one in the back being an outboard like unit of drive tire with transaxle to motor connected to movable framework of parallel mounting framework running to similar front tire unit having double universal joint reaching over to the fork which provides pitch/yaw matching but exceeding the angle the rear tires angle of attack to the pavement from front to rear with this front fork connection being adjusted using a small steering wheel to the left side of the body just above the left arm rest, as these to tires may be tracked from left to right opposite the cockpits movement from left to right being controlled by a joystick just above the right armrest, able to be pulled back for braking, but when toggled from left to right turns the two middle cockpit tires left and right moving the concept vehicle in motion into turns lining up the front and rear tire to the outside of the curve, having three tires on one side with one on the other in the curve, leaning the concept vehicle into turns naturally like riding a bicycle with no hands, turning a motorboat, or an airplane so to speak, then coming out of the turn, able to move the joystick forward for accelerating out of the curve, using right hand on it to toggle left or right to adjust these cockpit middle tires to move the body of the concept vehicle back across towards the straight road as the front and rear tires adjust to being in middle position to center line of cockpit directly in front and rear, tweaked with a little control of the front forks by the left hand on the steering wheel. UNDERSTAND. ?We use cookies to help provide you with the best possible online experience. By using this site, you agree that we may store and access cookies on your device. Accept | Cookies policy | Privacy policy Rock's Backpages is the world's most comprehensive online database of pop music writing, a unique resource unavailable elsewhere online. It contains an ever expanding collection of primary source full text articles from the music and mainstream press from the 1950s to the present day, along with a collection of exclusive audio interviews.

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These so called barber surgeons also performed teeth extractions and amputations. Interestingly, the red stripe associated with a barber pole originated from the time when barbers performed bloodletting, as the red stripe was an indication and representation of the bloodletting portion of their job. At some point during the 16th century, surgery started to become slightly more sophisticated and the job of bloodletting went back to the physicians. By the 1800s the popularity of bloodletting was reaching an all time high. The physician would perform the procedure by making an incision into the arteries or veins. In some cases, in an attempt to "improve" their technique, they used a device called a fleam, which was a wooden stick that drove a blade into the vein.
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Or at least it should be an extension to HTML called HTSL or something. I wish that HTML had been purified to HT followed by the intended use of said Hyper Text: Markup Language, or Semantic Language. Then in the future, when we have device specific contexts or audience relative contexts, we dont have to rewrite the entire spec, we add a flavor of HyperText and call it Contextual Language. But to extend the HT used to layout a document by adding new arbitrary elements named conspicuously like a media format that is quickly disappearing seems dirty and short sited to me. In other words, I would much prefer to have where the markup language provides the structure, the various other aspects are added to the markup. Then generalize the markup language to include things like: or or or or . A semantic element or context element or style element seems so much more reasonable. And when complaining about bulky markup by ADDing these elements, I say that device specific browsers could provide an option to recompile the markup to avoid the extra semantics and contexts and whatever they come up with a year from now. If your reader device doesnt need the extra contexts or cant really use the semantics, the device can easily get rid of it. Until then, I am going to struggle with trying to stylize my semantic elements and just put up with being yelled at for my poor element choice. Jeesh.
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A widening public appetite, especially in the United States, made traditional initiation unable to satisfy demand for involvement in Wicca. Since the 1970s, larger, more informal, often publicly advertised camps and workshops began to take place. This less formal but more accessible form of Wicca proved successful. Eclectic Wicca is the most popular variety of Wicca in America and eclectics now significantly outnumber lineaged Wiccans. Eclectic Wicca is not necessarily the complete abandonment of tradition. Eclectic practitioners may follow their own individual ideas and ritual practices, while still drawing on one or more religious or philosophical paths. Eclectic approaches to Wicca often draw on Earth religion and ancient Egyptian, Greek, Saxon, Anglo Saxon, Celtic, Asian, Jewish, and Polynesian traditions. In contrast to the British Traditional Wiccans, Reclaiming Wiccans, and various eclectic Wiccans, the sociologist Douglas Ezzy argued that there existed a Popularized Witchcraft that was driven primarily by consumerist marketing and is represented by movies, television shows, commercial magazines, and consumer goods. Books and magazines in this vein were targeted largely at young girls and included spells for attracting or repelling boyfriends, money spells, and home protection spells. He also termed with New Age Witchcraft, and compared individuals involved in this to the participants in the New Age. Wicca was founded in England between 1921 and 1950, representing what the historian Ronald Hutton called the only full formed religion which England can be said to have given the world.
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Fogalmt plet sajt vz hidrogn talaktt forrsa alternatv zemanyagknt az aut vagy teheraut is lesz nagyon npszer. The fact that energy can be pulled out of plain water is unbelievable until you see the process work with your very own eyes. Az a tny, hogy az energia ki lehet hzni a sima vz hihetetlen, amg meg nem jelenik a folyamat nagyon dolgozhat a sajt szemvel. Many car and truck owners report a 35 50% gas mileage increase using this free fuel source. Sok szemly s tehergpkocsi tulajdonosok jelents a 35 50% gz kilomter nvekeds szabad alkalmazni ezt a tzelanyag forrs. There are many real life videos the show the proof that Hydrogen can be taken from water and used as a powerful, but cheap fuel source and it can be done safely. Sok vals videk a msor a bizonytk, hogy a hidrogn lehet venni a vz s az ers, de olcs zemanyag forrst s lehet biztonsgosan trtnik. The videos have really caught people's attention, mainly because of rising fossil fuel costs and the fear of no end in site to the ever increasing gasoline prices. A vide nem igazn fogott az emberek figyelmt, elssorban azrt, mert a nvekv fosszilis zemanyag kltsgek s a flelem nem r vget az oldalon tallhat a folyamatosan nvekv benzin rakat. The bottom line is that a record number of consumers want to save money on their gasoline costs. A lnyeg az, hogy a rekord szm fogyaszt akar pnzt megtakartani, hogy a benzin kltsget.