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As historian David Chalmers writes,Almost invariably internal disputes brought a flurry of charges and countercharges in the press and in the courts. Not only was it harmful to the Klan to have its dirty linen always being washed in public, but the spectacle of a secret, terrorist organization settling its internal problems in court was not one to inspire fear or respect. 48A group of rebellious Klansmen in Pennsylvania broke away from the invisible empire and Evans promptly filed a $100,000 damage suit against them, confident that he could make an example of the rebels. To his surprise the Pennsylvania Klansmen fought back in the courts and the resulting string of witnesses told of Klan horrors, named members and spilled secrets. Newspapers carried accounts of testimony and the enraged judge threw Evans case out of court. 49In general, the nature of the Klan as a violent, secret organization with little national power as an organization and a corrupt and power hungry leadership led to its ultimate decline during the mid to late 1920s. In Washington State, the defeat of Initiative 49, combined with the scandals, worked together to reduce the Klans size and power drastically. Initiative 49 in Washington and the anti Catholic bill in Oregon are an example of how far some groups will go to force their ideology onto others. The Ku Klux Klan wished for all children between the ages of seven and sixteen to attend public schools in their district because they believed that this would assimilate the Catholic children into proper Americans and stoke anti Catholic fears among a wider layer of people who could be won toward Klan ideas. Yet by the time the bill was proposed in Washington, the Klan faced a strong coalition of forces, bringing together labor, religious, governmental, and media organizations in the state. That the Klan could not put together a similar coalition of forces in support of the bill shows their inability to win broad layers of supporters to their political program and anti Catholic ideology.
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Actually, what are you all doing here?Why arentyou at home listening?Its a bit disappointing reallyThe folkyears were some of the happiest of my life. But again I could get no further. The BBC did not recognise specialisms in terms of promotion and, if I wanted toget on, I had to get back into mainstream programming. So Francesleft me and went off in search of fame and fortune. She made steady progress,rising from junior producer through Producer to Senior Producer while workingwith a number of star presenters who, sadly, are mostly no longer with us like Sam Costa. Poor Sam.
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, White Plains, New York, 1998. Allegheny College Year Books the Kaldron:1902 Volume XIV, published by the fraternities1908 Volume XX, published by the student body1911 Volume XXIII1912 Volume XXIV1937 presented by the senior class1940 presented by the junior class 125th year19511952Allegheny Stories A Collection of Stories of Allegheny College Life, Compiled and Edited by Clyde H. Slease, 02 and Buell B. Whitehill, 04, contributed by certain of the alumni and undergraduate body, printed by McCoy and Calvin, Meadville, PA 1902, 168 pages. Armitage, W. H.
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Khaled Bin Chowdhury, M. A. DoubleA Study on Personality Factors Causing Stress among School Teachers M. Phil. Dissertation . C.