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I have vivid memories of the Fireside Restaurant from my childhood, even though it closed when I was six years old. I was delighted to hear that Martys father, Alan Cohen was the man who had run the Fireside Restaurant with his own father, Dan, for over ten years but was floored to discover a bit of happy My Omaha Obsession happenstance. As fate would reveal, Alan, Anne and Marty were the listing agents for the 2301 S. 102nd Street house in Rockbrook. The fact that I didnt put the names together when I was writing the second article was not very detective like of me but in my defense there are an awful lot of Cohens in town. Blush.

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Almost all of these impacting bodies have an origin in the solar system, in the residual matter that didnt accrete to form planetary bodies, including asteroids and comets. Most meteoroids that burn completely during descent, are relatively small pieces of dust and debris, left behind in the wake of a comet. Most of the meteorites that survive the descent, have an asteroid origin. Usually, they are fragments of asteroids that are dislodged from their trajectory, by the gravitational pull of Sun and Jupiter, or through collisions. According to NASA, among the roughly 50,000 meteorites found on the planet, till date, about 99. 8% have an origin in asteroids. Comets leave tons of dust and debris in their trail as they travel along extensive orbits around the Sun. When Earth, while revolving around the Sun, passes through some patches of this comet debris, it enters the atmosphere, causing meteor showers. Meteor showers are periodic events. The most popular ones are Perseids which peak around August 12 and Leonids which peak around 17 November. During these showers, you can observe a shooting star at the rate of 1 meteor per minute on an average.
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You've prioritized and balanced your time expenditures. What results did you want to achieve from each time expenditure in step one?Why are each of those results important to you?See those results in your mind's eye each day. Then create the unmistakable feeling that those results have already been achieved. Most importantly, create a strong, silent feeling of gratitude that you have already received each result that you visualized. The only way to know if your efforts at time management are working is to measure the results. If you continue to feel stressed or do not see tangible changes taking place, it's time to re evaluate what you are doing and make changes. 5. Adjust and Repeat. Time and its winds of constant change are sure to bring surprises that intervene in your initial plans. One of the most frequent mistakes in managing time is neglecting to fine tune. First attempts at prioritizing and balancing often need a second look.
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Sardar Khan, yellow cab, 5 months. I drove a cab for years in D. C. , but cabs there were over because of Uber. Here I work seven days a week. You wait and wait for hours, and get $30. Its not fair. Marc Abrams, black car, 7 years. Uber has put us out of business. What I used to make in a day now takes me a week. My wife owns the company, and theres no question it will fold.
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This is not true. It is a tactic. Many/most of you may go, but if you dont behave appropriately I believe the majority will begin dropping like flies in a couple hundred years. Planet Manifest Destiny is a magic fueled environment:::The food is better, the is better, life is enhanced with magic. The gods only use their power to hurt you:::If they peaked you euphorically for homosexuality youd be out sodomizing each other. If they peaked you for drugs youd be an alcoholic or a junkie. Magic is only used to hurt you, and these "magic" fueled experiences on Planet Manifest Destiny will be no different. Too many whites look at blacks and write them off:::Theyre fucked. , Theyre finished. , Who cares, them.