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In this case, leaving the world to choose between a deceptive smiling Rouhani and the notorious IRGC. When Westerners think of moderates they begin their comparison process against faces in their own countries. Even conservatives in many European countries are against a single execution, but this moderate Rouhani in Iran is very much for it. In fact, 2 per day is his report card over the past four years. The regime has already executed ten individuals in the first days of Rouhanis second tenure, reports indicate. And the Iranian people inside the country have voiced their opinion about Rouhani being a moderate. Defying all odds and accepting the risk of arrest and possible execution even, dissident activists took to the streets in unprecedented numbers in the past months and put up large posters, placards and even graffiti to voice their true vote of regime change and describing Rouhani not as a moderate, but as a demagogue and king of executions. In this light, portraying him as a moderate figure bears no color. Those who adhere to this notion must be challenged by asking them to make him unveil the true number of victims of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners and details of their cases, respect human rights, freedom of speech, freedom of political parties, and freedom of political prisoners and pull out from Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and Afghanistan. While the argument is often made of this and that being beyond the powers of Irans president, and former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami referred to the presidents role as that of a tea boy, it begs the question then as to how moderation is to take place. Can the faction known as the principalists in Iran, loyal to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, engineer the upcoming presidential elections outcome in a manner similar to 2005 and 2009?Back then, this group resorted to fraud and vote rigging to have their desired candidate selected.
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Of course the person she helped is going to deny it. First, she would be in trouble with the FBI she can count on an inquiry and second, to admit it would prove that her friend whom she supported is a liar and perjurer. When Mitchell asked Ford whether she had ever helped anyone prepare for a polygraph, my first thought was, they have something. Then it took them a week to use it. I wonder when he contacted them, or how many of her ex boyfriends they called. @Steve He said she never showed any sign of claustrophobia living in a 500 square foot apartment.
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Quote or refer to anyone else by name. Keep the focus on you and your art. Mentioning another name shifts the readers attention from your art to the other person. View the time to write your artist statement as an opportunity to clarify your thoughts. A well written statement, approached deliberately and thoughtfully, can be a boon to your self promotion efforts. Youll use the language on your Web site and in grant applications, press releases, brochures, and much more. Alyson B. Stanfield is an art marketing consultant, artist advocate, and author ofId Rather Be in the Studio!The Artists No Excuse Guide to Self Promotion. Sign up for her free Art Marketing Action newsletter atHere is a constantly updated list of links to sample artist statements from all over. Here is a constantly updated list of links to sample artist statements from all over. We are all creative beings just as the ultimate being is the divine creator.
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A dress is therefore, said to be indecent when it has provocative or stimulating influence on almost all those that happen to view it on the user. It is according to Source Magazine on Line 2011, any outfit that shows too much skin. Egwim 2010 referred to indecent dressing in a more specific term as the attitude of someone, male or female that dresses to showoff parts of the body such as the buttocks or even the underwear particularly those of the ladies that need to be covered. This exposure is obviously a deliberate act to look sensuous, tantalizing and stimulating so as to draw the attention of the opposite and is more prevalent among singles unmarried women and men. This form of dressing is provocative, improper and unacceptable Source Magazine on Line, 2011. These dress patterns are morally offensive and reveals the high rate of moral decadence in the society of our time. Some institutions of higher learning have prescribed dress code which students are required to adhere to. Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Anambra State, in her students Handbook and Academic Regulations stated that As an Academic Training Institution, the Management decided not to condone indecent dressing on campus. Towards this end, a dress code has been recommended by the Academic Board and approved by Council for students compliance as follows:1. Sleeveless tops2. Body hugs3.