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Furthermore, it is assumed that the crowdfunding campaign and production happen sequentially, which could in fact also happen simultaneously. This is important, as this may influence the decision to release the product as fixed costs may already been incurred. As releasing may just be a reason to recover these fixed costs, the control variable production phase is being taken into account by using Kickstarters estimated delivery of rewards as a proxy. Also, the author controlled for genre, as some genres have different commercial appeals. Furthermore, project quality is being taken into account as presence of video and high text quality signals the effort an entrepreneur has taken to release the product. After analyzing all the variables, all four variables total collected, supporters, pledged ratio and average collected are statistically significant and thus imply that informational mechanism effect the release of new products in a crowdfunding context. Furthermore, probability on product release is calculated when the number of supporters is increased by 10%. Overall, an increase of 10% leads to 1. 4 percentage point of probability increase of releasing the product to the market. However, between the variables, this increase in probability differs, suggesting that each type of information adds differently to the total information mechanism. The strength of the paper is the robustness of the findings as results are controlled by various control variables specific to the production of music.
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"I strongly believe this can be used positively. By allowing our teachers to connect through social media with students, we both understand the risks that come with it. I strongly believe in the First Amendment, and that this is a good forum for communication, but you just need to be cautious with it especially with pictures. " New York based business attorney Pedram Tabibi believes social media policies are integral for both businesses and schools to implement so long as they're tailored to each individual institution. "It's a lot more common in corporations you know, places saying what's OK to post, things to avoid," he says. "But I think you're starting to see it can be applied to schools as well. Each one is different, of course, so for it to work best they need to be adjusted for each individual school and its activities. " But there are right and wrong ways of doing so. A handful of employers, he says, have asked their employees and job applicants for their social media passwords: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram the whole nine yards. Ten states have outlawed the practice, and the SNOPA bill Social Networking Online Protection Act, introduced in April, is being pushed at the federal level to make asking employees for their social media passwords illegal in every state. "This is obviously an extreme example, and it's certainly not the right way to do it," Tabibi says.
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Refusal to provide adequate/correct information or to provide consent for investigation will result in withdrawal of offer of acceptance. The SIU SOM Admissions Office will initiate the background check through an external company, as part of the routine procedure for medical students prior to matriculation. The existence of a conviction does not automatically disqualify an individual from eligibility for acceptance. Relevant considerations may include, but are not limited to: the date, nature and number of convictions; the relationship the conviction bears to the duties and responsibilities of the medical student; and successful efforts toward rehabilitation. Any decision to reject or accept an applicant with a conviction is solely at the discretion of the SIU SOM. Confidentiality: Reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that results of criminal background checks are kept as confidential as possible with limited number of persons authorized to review results. Access to Results: The Associate Dean for Student Affairs will review all criminal background checks. If adverse information deemed to be relevant to the applicants acceptance as a medical student is contained in the background check, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs will notify the applicant in writing. Information Available Through Background Checks: The criminal background check will include a record of all arrests and convictions. In almost every case, only conviction information will be considered. Ability of Applicant to Review Information: The applicant may review the criminal background check received by the University by contacting the Associate Dean for Student Affairs in writing.