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Responsibilities include relating the schools role and its need to higher authority and affiliated institutions; providing guidance and counsel to operating units within the school; assuring that institutional resources are used efficiently and effectively in support of academic programs and assuring that the schools goals are achieved. The Southern Illinois University School of Medicine SIU SOM is committed to provide the public with well trained physicians who possess the traits of high moral character and standards. The purpose of this policy is to help ensure a safe environment for patients, employees, fellow students, visitors and the general public as well as to protect property by conducting criminal background checks on all matriculants. This policy applies to all applicants receiving offers of acceptance from the SIU SOM on the effective date shown on the acceptance letter. Authorization: Illinois law authorizes the SIU SOM Admissions Office to conduct criminal background checks on accepted medical students who plan to matriculate to SIU SOM, based on the expected patient population, which may include children or vulnerable adults. Criminal background information released to the SIU SOM will be used only for purposes of assisting in making acceptance decisions and/or clinical rotations at affiliated hospitals.
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Then we tried to remember what happened. But criminal cases often hinge on minor details. A Mesa police officer was recently acquitted by a jury of murder charges after fatally shooting an unarmed man who was crawling on his knees and begging for his life, an incident caught on the officers body camera. The officer fired when the mans hand moved toward his waist, which the officer took as a sign he might be reaching for a gun, according to trial testimony. Granadoss case came down, at least in part, to one of those subtle details: whether he raised his hand to attack officers or because he was startled at being grabbed from behind. In July 2013, he and his family were vacationing in Bullhead City, across the Colorado River from the gambling town of Laughlin, Nevada. They stopped at a local Safeway store to pick up some groceries, and Renes 19 year old son, Deven, wandered off on his own. As Rene was standing in the checkout line, he noticed several police officers enter the store but didnt pay much attention. He finished paying for his groceries and was looking for his son when a commotion erupted in one of the aisles. As Rene came around the endcap and looked down the aisle, he saw that several police were dragging Deven up off the floor. A security officer had seen Deven slip two CDs into his pants, and he was being arrested for shoplifting.
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Theres little doubt that grammar and sentence writing falls into that category, so doing the research will give me a second go at schooling, a glimpse into writing not boringly AND a whopping amount of material for my contextual essay. The Dont Panic Success Guide to Sentences follows on from Trusss bestseller, Eats, Shoots and Leaves, which has sold over nine million copies since its release in 2003. Eats, Shoots and Leaves opened the floodgates for oodles of similar things Ive forgotten or was never taught at school books and showed a burgeoning market that has grown annually for the last nine years. Nielsen BookScan reported that adult non fiction accounted for 722,094,661. 39 of 2010s book sales, with 2,659,046. 28 made up of the 291,957 writing and usage guides sold. Nine years after its release, Eats, Shoots and Leaves still holds a solid place in the top 5 in this category. Its an odd category, spliced between fun gift book types like mine, the English as a Foreign Language types and the professional writing guide types. When I contacted Nielsen last, of the Top 20 titles in the Usage and Writing Guides Nielsen BookScan 2011 YTD year to date chart, six also appear in less academic areas of bookshops: 2 Eats, Shoots and Leaves now published by Fourth Estate 11,379 on Amazon Books 3 My Grammar and I Michael OMara 4,970 on Amazon Books 7 How to Sound Clever AandC Black 13,569 on Amazon Books 11 How NOT to Write a Novel Penguin 21,135 on Amazon Books 18 Queens English, The Michael OMara 24,214 on Amazon Books 19 I Used to Know That Michael OMara 5,390 on Amazon BooksMy Grammar and I , which has topped the charts for two years in a row, The Queens English and Everyday English fall under the same genre and were in the position of sale spotlight in three of the Waterstones I visited last summer. Evidence at the London Book Fair 2012 showed that Profile Books, Michael OMara, AandC Black, Summersdale, Penguin all believe in the size of this market enough to not only release updated backlist editions, but also to introduce new series of bookseasy reading, fun and accessible booksthat follow the things I didnt learn or wish I still remembered theme across a very broad range of subjects. The book idea came from my teaching a course called Grammar and Writing, which is the first of the undergraduate writing courses at Salzburg University.
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For the study, a group of 18 teachers was recruited to take part in a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction MBSR course, a well established and well studied method of mindfulness training. The project team adapted the MBSR training to fit the particular needs and time demands of elementary school teachers. It was among the first efforts to train teachers, in addition to students, in mindfulness techniques and to examine the effects of this training in the classroom. "We wanted to offer training to teachers in a format that would be engaging and address the concerns that were specifically relevant to their role as teachers," says Flook, who has advanced degrees in education and psychology and whose primary interest is in exploring strategies to reduce stress and promote well being in children and adolescents. The teachers who received the training were randomly assigned and asked to practice a guided meditation at home for at least 15 minutes per day. They also learned to use specific strategies for preventing and dealing with stressors in the classroom, such as "dropping in," a term to describe the process of bringing attention to the sensations of breath and other physical sensations, thoughts, and emotions for brief periods of time. The training also included caring practices to bring kind awareness to their experiences, especially those that are challenging. One of the goals of the study was to evaluate outcomes using measures that could be affected by mindfulness training. The researchers found that those who received the mindfulness training displayed reductions in psychological stress, improvements in classroom organization and increases in self compassion. In comparison, the group that did not receive the training showed signs of increased stress and burnout over the course of the school year. These results provide objective evidence that MBSR techniques are beneficial to teachers.