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The IAR is currently led by Director Timothy Cheek, Professor with the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs and the Department of History. The IAR is the administrative home for five regional research centres, with which the Institute frequently collaborates on Asia Pacific policy events and initiatives. The Institute continues to develop partnerships with the social sciences e. g. , economics, political science, sociology, anthropology, geography and gender studies, Applied Science, Medicine, Education, Forestry and other academic units across campus, including the Sauder School of Business, the Peter A. Allard School of Law, and the School of Community and Regional Planningall of which have important roles to play in addressing contemporary policy issues. The IAR supports individual and collaborative research on a wide range of Asia Pacific policy issues and current affairs, including:Launched by the IAR in 2000, the Master of Arts Asia Pacific Policy Studies MAAPPS was the first graduate program in Canada to focus on contemporary policy issues in Asia and to provide training and research opportunities for Asia Pacific policy professionals. Today, program alumni hold roles in academia, public institutions, private enterprises and non governmental organizations around the world. The last MAAPPS cohort was accepted in 2014 and since evolved into the Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs MPPGA program. The Liu Institute for Global Issues is an interdisciplinary research hub that aspires to influence academic and public debates about global issues, inform policy decisions, and become an important source of ideas, education, information and perspectives. Research has largely focused on three global themes security, social justice, and sustainability.
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This expands beyond the Super Bowl and is a year round effort. Investors continue to ask companies in the travel and tourism industry to provide education and training for staff, and investors have offered resources such as a hotel letter that consumers can use in their travels. Rosie Garcia knew one day several years ago that the next morning she would be deported from the Chicago, Illinois, jail back to Mexico. I had signed the papers for leaving, she said. If you dont sign, they said, you will never see your baby again. Rosie was one of the immigrant detainees Sister JoAnn P. and Sister Pat M. visited in jail weekly, bringing each woman a few dollars for adding extra food to their meager diet and buying incidentals such as shampoo. They also drew out the womens stories. When the sisters came to the jail, they asked too many questions, said Rosie. Where were you born?Who was your father?How did you get across the border? Answering their questions reminded Rosie of the horror of her life in El Paso, Texas, and she cried constantly.
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732. Don Mills was considered so successful, both financially and socially, that the model was repeated throughout Canada until the late 1970s. After 1945, urban renewal schemes were attempted by all levels of government federal, provincial and municipal to try to improve the housing conditions in city cores see Urban Reform. Most politicians and planners believed that urban renewal involving the expropriation of homes and businesses, the clearing of land and the building of new often public housing would revitalize the edges of the downtown and make this housing more acceptable to those who were migrating to the suburbs. Massive urban renewal schemes met with stiff resistance from the displaced working class families. Owners of expropriated property did not receive enough compensation to purchase a similar house elsewhere. Tenants complained that their lives were being uprooted and good housing was being demolished. Small businesses were destroyed. The basic objection to urban renewal came from people who had a different idea of their communities from that of the city planners and politicians. These residents argued strongly that the urban renewal program was wrong headed because Canadian cities did not have the slums of American cities and that the 3 levels of government were replacing viable neighbourhoods with concrete jungles. The struggles over public urban renewal continued until the late 1960s, when after massive outcries in Vancouver, Winnipeg and Toronto, the federal government finally agreed to stop funding the public urban renewal program.
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Note that it may take a few minutes to download because of the large number of images included. The June/July 1997 Issue 45 of the British Society for the Turin Shroud Newsletter has now been added to the British Society for the Turin Shroud page of the website. Once again, we are indebted to Ian Wilson for his long hours and perserverance in completing this issue, particularly because of the many difficulties encountered by this highly respected organization in recent months, including the death of its Chairman, Rodney Hoare. Our regrets go out to his family for their loss. This issue includes articles on the 1997 fire, a review of the recent CBS television documentary, "The Mysterious Man of the Shroud," a list of recent publications and much more. The first Spanish Language translation has been included on "The 1997 Fire" page of this website. My thanks to Adolfo Orozco Torres, Secretary of the Centro Mexicano de Sindologa, for translating the April 12, 1997 fire article on this website. Thanks also to his associate, Mnica Dliz Herrera for her assistance and to my friend Miriam Taylor for helping me translate the captions and page instructions. I am very pleased to make this available directly on my website and hope to work with the Centro Mexicano de Sindologa to include more articles "en Espaol" in the future. Three researchers, two of whom are husband and wife, at the Turin Shroud Center of Colorado, presented papers at the Third Scientific International Symposium on the Shroud of Turin held May 12 13 in Nice, France. In a mathematical paper written for the Turin Shroud Center of Colorado TSC, theoretical physicists Dr.