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BE invests exclusively in non carbon emitting electricity generation and seeks to promote long term green solutions towards a goal of sustainability. Brooklyn Bridge Park Corporation, known as Brooklyn Bridge Park, is the not for profit entity responsible for the planning, construction, maintenance and operation of Brooklyn Bridge Park, an 85 acre sustainable waterfront park stretching 1. 3 miles along Brooklyns East River shoreline. Brooklyn Bridge Park is one of the nine waterfront destinations that comprise NYHarborWay, an initiative of the Bloomberg Administration to make the New York Harbor a major recreational destination for New Yorkers and visitors. Spearheaded by NYC and Company, the initiative eventually will connect the nine major waterfront points of interest by ferry or bike greenways. In addition, NYHarborWay will develop a cohesive programming, marketing and communications platform which will drive visitation to the nine waterfront sites. In addition to Brooklyn Bridge Park, the destinations are Governors Island, Hudson River Park, The Battery, Ellis Island, Liberty Island, Atlantic Basin, East River Esplanade and Liberty State Park. Clean energy advocates have been pushing the U. S. Congress to pass the Clean Energy Development Administration CEDA. CEDA would act as a green bank to help provide financing for clean energy companies that may face barriers in funding innovative technologies or first of a kind projects.

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It was widely known at the time of the Lewinsky scandal that many of the people who had undertaken the responsibility of investigating and ultimately impeaching Clinton were themselves liars about all manner of criminal activity, including crimes far more serious than mere adultery. The House Judiciary Committee that led the impeachment inquiry was chaired by Illinois Representative Henry Hyde, a Republican from Illinois, whoowing to the efforts of the man whose marriage he broke upwas later forced to admit to having had an affair with a married mother of three children while married himself. Hyde chalked up the affair to a "youthful indiscretion" committed when he was just an innocent lad of forty one. The final proceedings leading to the impeachment vote began on a decidedly dramatic note when the Republican House Speakerelect, Bob Livingston of Louisiana, announced that he was resigning from Congress over his own four adulterous affairs, which were about to be exposed by Hustler magazine. Livingston had been chosen by Republicans to replace Newt Gingrich, who had been forced to resign over financial improprieties. Gingrich, however, was no less vulnerable to exposure than Livingston over the issue of adultery: the most recent of Gingrich's numerous affairs had been conducted with a 23 year old congressional aide who would become his third wife, and it had taken place during both of his first two marriages. According to L. H. Carter, the treasurer for Gingrich's congressional campaign, Gingrich divorced his first wife, eight years his senior, while she was hospitalized with cancerbecause, he told Carter, "she's not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of the President. And besides, she has cancer. " She was forced to sue him for child support.
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"New York Times, "City Is Amassing Trove of Cellphone Logs" 11. 26. 2012Privacy Partner Michael Sussmann was quoted in a New York Times article, "City Is Amassing Trove of Cellphone Logs," which detailed the "trove of telephone logs" that the NYPD collects and stores relating to the thousands of cell phone theft cases they investigate. "If large amounts of victim phone records are being collected and added to a searchable database, its very troubling. " "Were all used to the concept of growing databases of criminal information, but now youre crossing over that line and drawing in victim information. "Washington Post, "FBI investigation of Broadwell Reveals Bureaus Comprehensive Access to Electronic Communications" 11. 18. 2012Privacy Partner Michael Sussmann was quoted in a front page story in the Sunday Washington Post, "FBI investigation of Broadwell Reveals Bureaus Comprehensive Access to Electronic Communications," reporters discussing the implications of the enormous amounts of data collected in General David Petraeus/Paula Broadwell investigation. The Diane Rehm Show, "Law Enforcements Growing Reliance On Cell Phone Data" 07. 25. 2012Privacy Partner Michael Sussmann was a panelist for a full hour dedicated to "Law Enforcements Growing Reliance On Cell Phone Data.
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S. , and Arens, A. A. 2008. Auditing and Assurance Services. New Jearsey: Pearson Education,Inc.