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She refused to quit. Schenkat later was asked by two other members of the council not to testify against the judge at the April 4 council hearing, at which he was unanimously reappointed. Obviously they dont feel that any negative comments should even be expressed, Schenkat said of the council. She stands by her previous concerns that the judges in Scottsdale are too sympathetic to prosecutors, adding thats an attitude the council seems to favor. The court is set up as a moneymaking machine, and they are just happy to know there is revenue coming in, she said. They dont want to upset that apple cart. So they are complicit with bad justice in the name of revenue. Lane said he did not ask Schenkat to withdraw her letter but rather suggested it would be best if she did not testify against the judge, or at least that she make it clear she was speaking as a private citizen and not a member of the judicial board. Lane did ask her to resign later because, in his view, Schenkat had clearly let her personal animosity toward one judge taint her independence and objectivity, he said. ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVEPressure on city judges does not just come from city councils. As was seen in Ferguson, police and prosecutors also rely on compliant judges to allow practices that are both lucrative and controversial.

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" In the narrow sense, they areright. As methodology, science is properly value free and should bevalue free an evaluative reflection, you will notice. But this"properly value free" methodology has opened up a bewildering arrayof capacities and choices to us evaluating creatures. And we are notequipped with the ethical insights and the moral restraints that arenecessary to deal wisely and appropriately with these choices. Yetthe choices are before us and we can not evade them. "Not to decideis to decide.
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Schroeter eds. , Sharing International Law across National Boundaries: Festschrift for Albert H. Kritzer onthe Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing 200848 611999. The Personal and Territorial Scope of the Vienna Convention on Contracts for theInternational Sale of Goods Article 1, 46 Netherlands International Law Review 1999 137 170 1999. An uncommon Frame of Reference: An American Perspective on the Jurisprudence on the CESL, Conference on European Sales Law: A Law and Economics Perspective 2012 University of Chicago Conference Paper available online at 2012. Third Party Defaults and Exemption from Liability in Damages under the CISG: Is Article 792 Necessary for Modern International Commerce to Function Effectively?, LL. M. thesis 2012 King's College London 2005. L'article 3 de la Convention de Vienne et les contrats complexes dans le domaine de l'informatique: une lecture de las jurisprudence pertinente , 50 McGill Law Journal / Revue de Droit de McGill 2005 553 593 1987. Comments on Article 35 CISG , in: Bianca Bonell Commentaryon the International Sales Law, Giuffr: Milan 1987 268 2831987. Comments on Article 36 CISG , in: Bianca BonellCommentary on the International Sales Law, Giuffr: Milan 1987 284 2891987.
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to those not on the Universitys main payroll once their appointments have been confirmed, via an automated notification from EAP system. There are two versions of the letter, one for examiners serving on undergraduate Exam Boards and one for those serving on postgraduate Exam Boards. These letters are updated annually for each academic year. 2020 21 Letter of engagement for PG Examiners and Assessors2020 21 Letter of engagement for UG Examiners and Assessors2019 20 Letter of engagement for PG Examiners and Assessors2019 20 Letter of engagement for UG Examiners and AssessorsDepartments may change the composition of exam boards providing that the changes do not contravene the minimum exam board composition outlined in the standing order. Changes to exam boards include removing, replacing, or changing the role of appointed Examiners Chairs, Internal and Examiners or Assessors. Depending on the status of the appointment, departments can either make the changes directly in the EAP Portal or by submitting a change request to the Central Examinations and Assessments Team. Please refer to the table below to determine which route to use. Change requests must be submitted via email by the Senior Nominating Officer SNOs to the Central Examinations and Assessments Team in advance of any subsequent examination activities, such as exam board meetings, for which the new composition will come into effect. The email must include the following information:Departments are responsible for ensuring that all Examiners and Assessors are promptly paid for any examining duties carried out in accordance with the published Schedule of Fees. Further information relating to retainer fees for Chairs of Examiners and External Examiners, as well as the fee payable to Chairs of Examiners for overseeing paper setting is available from the relevant section below. Departments can submit payments at any point throughout the academic year.
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