Hslc Examination Essay
Father Mitchell Zimmerman, director and chaplain of the church, said due to the pandemic, mass requires masks and social distancing and is also streamed on YouTube. Zimmerman said the church is trying to be as open as possible while following CDC guidelines. He said connecting with first years this year is important so people do not feel isolated on or off campus. We have a ton of small groups that reach out to isolated students, Zimmerman said. We do our part to try to orient freshmen and get them connected so they make the most of their KU experience. On campus Christian ministry Chi Alpha is also finding new ways to adapt to CDC guidelines while staying close to their faith. Chi Alpha staff member Nicole Hedstrom said it has been difficult but they have continued to grow in faith together. Were trying to make the best of the situation, Hedstrom said. We arent growing a lot in numbers but we can grow more in depth relationships with the people we already have. KUs Muslim Student Association has also adapted to CDC guidelines. The Islamic Center of Lawrence has been allowing in person Jumuah Friday prayer, with masks required.

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Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine have joined 44 other senators to introduce legislation to ensure K 12 students homes have adequate internet connectivity and devices during the coronavirus pandemic. It is sponsored by all Senate Democrats and Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent. The Emergency Educational Connections Act is the Senate companion to the Houses recently introduced Emergency Educational Connections Act of 2020.
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Online courses are an alternative to regular classrooms for students who want to obtain a degree cheaper and faster. In a year or two, students can earn a diploma without even knowing their teachers or colleagues. Still, many students consider traditional classrooms a more efficient way of learning and improving social skills. Most students consider the traditional classroom environment beneficial for learning because they can interact with the teacher and their classmates. Especially for people who learn better through cooperative activities and group work, the possibility of asking questions and receiving immediate answers is important. Many students prefer face to face interactions to technology mediated conversations. Some students need constant reassurance that what they do is correct and that they are going in the right direction, so they need feedback to keep them moving. Before college and university classes, students are used to going to school and learning in a classroom surrounded by classmates. Even if they dont need to do that anymore after high school, to combine a place traditionally meant for acquiring knowledge with the environment of their homes is confusing for them. The learning atmosphere of the traditional classroom helps them to stay focused and keeps them motivated; unlike virtual classrooms, where procrastination can become a common attitude, traditional classrooms preserve a feeling of now and here all through the learning process. Some students dont have access to technological devices, so online classes are out of the question.
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