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commersonii White bass Lepimbema chrysops Whitefish Prosopium cylindraceum quadriaterale White fish Coregonus clupeaformis Ayu Plecoglossus altivelis Bass largemouth Huro salmoides Bass rock Ambloplites r. rupestris Bass smallmouth Micropterus d. dolomieu Black backs pseudopleuronectes americanus Bluegill Lepomis m. macrochirus Chub bloater Coregonus hoyi Cod Gadus morrhua Crappie Pomoxis nigro maculatus Croaker Micropogon undulatus Cunner Tautogolabrus adspersus Cusk Brosme brosme Cutlassfish silver eel Trichiurus lepturus Dogfish squalus acanthias Eel anguilla rostrata Gar northern longnose Lepisosteus osseus oxyurus Haddack Melanogrammus aeglefinus Halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus Hake Urophycis spp. Herring Leucichthys artedi areturus King whiting ground whiting Menticirrhus americanus Lemon sole Psuedopleuronectes americanus dignabilis Lizard Fish Synodus foetens Mackerel Scomber scombrus Mullet Mugil spp. Perch yellow Perca flavescens Pike northern Esox lucius Pike wall eyed stizostedion vitreum Plaice Canadian Hippoglossoides platessoides Pollock Pollachitus virens Porgy scup Stenotomus aculeatus Porgy scup Stenotomus chrysops Pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus Redfish Sebastes marinus Salmon Salmo salar Salmon Coho Oncorhynchus kisutch Seabass centropristis striatas Sea catfish galeichthys felis Sea robin Prionotus spp. Smelt or "silversides" Hypomesus olidusarctic pond. Also known as silversides, usually frozen available in pet stores Spot Leiostomus xanthurus Squid Loligo brevis Tautog blackfish Tautoga onitis Trout brown Salmo trutta fario Trout lake Christiconer n. namaycush Trout rainbow Salmo gairdnerii irideus White trout Cynoscion nothus White trout Cynoscion avenarius Whiting Merluccius bilinearis Yellow tails Limanda ferruginea[/ One must keep in mind that just because a fish is on the thiaminase free list, doesn't mean it's safe to feed to your snakes. Some species sometimes depending on where it was caught contain unacceptable levels of contaminants such as methyl mercury or other heavy metals, or PCB's. For this reason I do not recommend freshwater bass of any kind, or wild salmon from anywhere but Alaska.

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You may decide that you want to continue your studies at another institution. Your Higher Education Achievement Record provides a record of your achievements at our University, which you can make available to another institution. If you have a Tier 4 or Student Route visa, please see our immigration webpages to determine what impact your exam board outcome may have on your visa. There are set deadlines for decisions that are made by the exam board about progressing to the next stage of your degree. For 2020 these are: If you are repeating a year, or a module, as a full time student attending on a part time basis you will be able to register online. If you are undertaking reassessment without attendance, you will be registered automatically.
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